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PROJECT    Arctic Tern: International Student Career Helper

UX research - Interactive Design - Prototyping

Each year, more than a million international students come to study abroad in the United States. As they share the same foreign status while studying in this country, they face relatable, and even identical problems and difficulties. With the limited resources and complicated procedure, many fail to find an efficient solution in a short time. 

With its network that bonds all foreign students of their selected school, Arctic Tern is specialized in solving the problems of those students. Arctic Tern provides news based on students’ majors and interests, and it also answers their questions regarding job finding, visa, housing, and others.

The goal is to tell the student, “you are not fighting alone.” 

Arctic Tern is here to create a positive environment of your community and help you to take better control of your career path.




Self-improvement is always an important step toward one's dream job.

Thus, when people open our app, the first thing they will see is the latest news of their majors and interests. They can also find various notes and tips related to the topic they are interested in.




One of the methods to solve problems is via asking people who experienced similar issues. 

Forum is the place to share users’ thoughts and find their answers. By using Forum, foreign students can not only ask or answer questions but also expand their social network of peers and alumni.




As an international student in the United States, there are many significant visas and documents you need to apply for, often requiring sophisticated and inevitable processes.


By using My Status, students can understand all the necessary documents in advance, and they can have more controls over their future career paths. Also, My Status can scan, stock, and manage all the personal e-documents; they can be taken out and used at any time.


I'm Ran, a product designer with multicultural background.
Let's talk about future projects!

Ran Tamada / Product Design / Otis College of Art and Deisgn / 2020 

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